Career at VOLDE
We think that our most important capital is human resources and we focus on our employees in all our processes. Since the happiness of our employees will be reflected in the quality of our work, we continue to work devotedly to prepare the most suitable working environments for our employees, to attach importance to their personal development, and to establish an equal and modern system.

Recruitment Process
In our recruitment process, we aim to select and position the most suitable candidates with work ethic, who will move our company forward. In this way, we believe that a long-term and effective working life will be created.
The process is carried out with the perspective of the right person for the right job, and our main goal is to recruit employees who volunteer to create added value for our company in the long term and best suited to the task in question and our working principles.
In line with the development of the company, we complete the process of publishing announcements on the job descriptions and competencies related to the position in cooperation with the departments in line with the needs in line with the needs planned every year.
Our process, which starts with checking the applications submitted to our company, and after the pre-selection on the resume, we invite candidates who meet the determined criteria to job interviews. We evaluate our candidates, who are invited for an interview, in line with their competencies and, if necessary, their experience for the relevant position. We also support the related process with different measurement and evaluation tools in line with the needs. Finally, we complete the process with the appropriate candidate.
Oryantasyon Eğitimleri
Yeni işe başlayan çalışanların şirket politikalarını kavramasına yardımcı olmak ve şirkete uyumunu kolaylaştırmak amacıyla oryantasyon programları yürütüyoruz. Çalışanımızın işe başladığı ilk gün, kısa vadede ilk izlenim, çalışanın kendini iyi hissetmesi ve ortama uyum sağlaması için önemli ölçüde etkilidir. Yeni çalışanların şirkete kazandırılmasına katkı sağlamak amacıyla, Bölüm Oryantasyon Sorumlularımız bulunmaktadır. Bölüm Oryantasyon Sorumlularımız yeni çalışana refakat etmekte ve istenilen her konuda yardımcı olmaktadır.
Please contact us
If you want to take your place in our growing and constantly developing team, you can fill out the form below completely and send it to us.